Monday, March 4, 2019

Life, Mathematics and Beauty. An eternal and indissoluble association

Life, Mathematics and Beauty. An eternal and indissoluble association

Nature surprises us with the forms, colors, structures of everything that exists; and when artists, scientists, poets and writers, philosophers, try to explain the origin, mystery, the rules behind that natural and universal beauty, they inevitably end up discovering that the patterns of form, rhythm, growth, evolution are mathematical systems .

Mathematics is also a system that in its structure, development and evolution presents a beauty that dazzles mathematicians; although it is also revealed in geometric shapes and designs visible to all. Among these forms we can mention Platonic solids or intricate, but incredibly beautiful fractals. Practically everything that can be seen, touched, felt (as in the case of music) can be explained by means of a mathematical system.

Is nature beautiful, beautiful, by its mathematical characteristics? Is mathematics beautiful because it reflects nature? It seems that there is a topic of discussion for a long time, for now we appreciate the possibility of appreciating and enjoying that beautiful "coincidence", although I prefer to recognize that it is a universal law.

We are all aware of the beautiful patterns, shapes, movements of nature; but while some of these patterns seem to result from chance (the colors of the flowers), others are more regular (the arrangement of the seeds in certain flowers) Is nature organized in a strictly mathematical way or is it just chance? What do mathematicians think?
All mathematicians share the sense of wonder at the infinite depth and mysterious beauty and usefulness of mathematics. I will mention two, Einstein and Feynman, both physicists and mathematicians.

"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." ~ Albert Einstein

"For those who do not know mathematics, it is difficult to feel the beauty, the profound beauty of nature. If you want to learn about nature, appreciate nature, it is necessary to learn the language in which you speak "(Richard Feynman)

Next, introduce some aspects of nature and the mathematical component. The Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers in which each number after the first two is the sum of the previous two; you start with 1 (one) or zero 0 (zero). It seems trivial, but there are many aspects involved in the flowers, the shell, the number of petals of the flower, the form of leaf growth.

With the Fibonacci series and some additional calculations and discover the "golden ratio", the golden rule, which appears much in nature (as in the previous photos) but is also used by man for his own constructions. The dimensions of a space associated with the golden rule generate a sense of peace, harmony, balance, mysterious?

The Fibonacci series can also be seen in the very small and the infinitely large. The structure of DNA follows the golden ratio; the universe, the galaxies follow the same pattern.

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